Episode 16: Handsy Stuff


Hello, fellow nerds! On today's podcast episode, we’re discussing Chapters 41-72, of Emily Rath's "Pucking Around"! We will be chatting about polyamorous relationships (you don’t know as much about them as you think), contemplating how dangerous hockey actually is, and talking about poor Ilmari’s hip injury.

Visit here to see Our Nerdiest Cocktail, named "Seattle Girl”, which is themed after mind-blowing one night stands. Show Notes (links at ournerdiestthing.com):

  1. ⁠https://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/preventing-hip-pain.html⁠

  2. ⁠https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/24675-hip-joint⁠

  3. ⁠https://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/g36165779/hip-stretches-for-women/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_whm_md_dsa_hybd_mix_us_20569044902&gclid=CjwKCAiAmZGrBhAnEiwAo9qHidxrrbd_-dEmTfV2_SVeT066CQJFrfsGIpVZr2er_X0Gf4hxzwVJFRoC_1wQAvD_BwE⁠

  4. ⁠https://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/a28436088/sex-standing-up/⁠

  5. ⁠https://www.prevention.com/sex/a28494182/sex-standing-up/⁠

  6. ⁠Probably Smut⁠

  7. ⁠Throne of Glass⁠

  8. ⁠Brigid Kemmerer Destroy the Day ⁠

Catch up on previous episodes of the show by visiting ournerdiestthing.com or by searching for Our Nerdiest Thing wherever you listen to podcasts.

Upcoming Read-a-long Schedule:

📖January: “Pucking Around” by Emily Rath

Emily will be joining us for our January 16th episode!

📖 Jan/Feb: “Gold” by Raven Kennedy Have something nerdy to share? Message us!

This podcast episode is spoiler heavy.


Bonus Episode: Author Frankie Diane Mallis


Episode 15: We Aren’t Mature Enough for Hockey